Okay so everyone hates Cyber Punk 2077 and I want to applauded them for diving head first into something they have never done before and I want to BOO!!! their investors for suing them and telling them one thing and not sticking with their partners and caving to the fan pressure. I really enjoy this game and I haven't even finished it. Does the game have faults yes but what game doesn't. Do they need to add more character depth to all the characters, yes they do, but they did well for the first time.
Everyone keeps comparing them to Mass Effect 3 and I keep thinking are your guys forgetting how Mass effect 1 started too many long boring dialog missions, the characters felt a bit empty, and there were broken missions. After 1 came out they got 2 which was better and then 3 which was amazing. The gaming world needs to remember this and stop comparing and let them get the funding to do a second one because I have faith it will just get better from there. No ground breaking game is perfect, in fact a lot of them break so chill gamer world and have faith.
P.S side note fan pressure has become something that is so out of control. I think the fans have too much pull over the gaming industry. I hope we go back to the days where we have it moderated and gamers stop flying off the handle. Let the game DEVS do their job. Unless you as a gamer can do a better job than them don't talk. Sit down and be humble.